Thursday 26 November 2015

Planning : From Initial Ideas To A 60 Second Pitch

The first task we were asked to do was to plan initial ideas on what the horror film would be based on. Below are all of the ideas that came to mined when brainstorming our thoughts.

Horror film initial ideas 

  • Forest
  • Secluded area
  • Lake
  • abandoned house
  • Young teens
  • Boy and girl
  • Small group

  • Camping out
  • Alcoholic beverages, messing around 
  • Group of teenagers, picked off one by one
Abandoned house:
  • Exploring the house
  • Squatting teenagers/ families
  • Hiding from danger/trouble
  • Children playing games
  • Paranormal source lurking within the house
Secluded area
  • Quiet long empty road
  • Breakdown
  • One by one killed off
  • Chased through the unknown

this is a picture of our group planning our ideas and showcasing them to one and other.

The final process when had to undergo was to plan a 60 second pitch to give an insight to what our film was about. we all played a part in the making of this and also had this recorded to look back on. This also gives us instructions to follow in order to make our film opening as good as possible.

This is the video of our 60 second pitch:

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