Wednesday 28 October 2015

Research : Analysing Codes and Conventions In Existing Teen Horror Films

Dead Wood
Camera angle, shot and movements
- Point of view
- Low angle
- Establishing - Extreme close up
- Tracking in/out
- Close-up
- High angle
- Long shot

- Music calm (start)
- As he is being chased the music picks up
- Music stops as he reaches the danger
- the sound of nature to set the scene

- Slow motion
- match on action
- Linear
- Transitions

- Secluded place (Abandoned)
- Running through forested areas
- Trips over
- They split up
- Safety is in sight
- Sense the predator but cannot see them
- Doesn't warn the other person

- Blood
- Cuts/injuries visible
- Tent

Dead Mary
Camera angle, shot and movements
- Extreme close up
- Close-up
- Panning
- Longshot
- Crabbing

- Objects moving
- Metallic sond
- Music picks up when predator is sensed
- Radio breaks up
- Phone no signal

- Match on action
- Linear
- Titled

- Abandoned scene
- On their own
- Separated
- No Phone and Radio Signal or battery
- Sense the predator but cannot see it

- Car
- Phone
- Revealing clothes
- Petrol tanks
- Sign (portrays that they are far from help)

Wrong Turn
Camera angle, shot and movements
- Establishing shot
- Panning
- Longshot
- Mid-shot
- Low angle
- High angle
- Crane shot
- Two shot
- Crabbing
- Point of view (POV)

- Tention building music
- Music drops when he reaches the top of the cliff
- Girl screams
- Hear his body drop to the ground as he is attacked

- Titles
- Match on action
- linear

- Abandoned forest area
- Dangerous area
- Calling for help but no response
- Trips over and takes a long period to get back up
- Separated from each other
- Safety is in sight

- Hiking/climbing equipment
- Blood
- Van
- Razor/trip wire

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

we were asked to film a short clip and then edit this using all the skills we had learn so far.  Our film showcased 2 people giving 2 lines of dialogue to each other, we chose to set our scene  in the sixth form common room. this was because our film was based on 2 students talking about sixth form and if it was going well. in order for this piece to work we needed to use match on action to make the film flow and also use continuity. we also needed to use various camera angles using the 180 decree rule when necessary. 

during pre production we started by gathering our first ideas, the first being making the main character students because this makes the clip more realistic as these parts can be played by us. we then went on to create story boards for our all the shots were going to use and all the camera angles. we also used Mes-En-Scene for our location planning this is to show where we were shooting our shots for our short film.

We filmed each scene from various different shots so the dialogue worked, we filmed each scene twice to make the editing process easier. Filming the scene from many different angles made it easier for us to edit to make sure the conversation was continuous. This went well due to the scenes fitting well together during the production of the short clip, this way of filming made us more organised when coming to edit it! We used the 180 degree shot when the dialogue was being portrayed, we also used shot reverse shot throughout the short clip to make sure that each character was shown equally and to make sure the clip flowed continuously.

I have used Adobe Premier Pro to edit my short clip, I have learnt various skills by using this software to edit my short clip, I have learn how to create match on action by cutting the scenes and editing them together. I applied all of the clips we had filmed for each scene into Premier Pro and deleted the ones that were not suitable. I started to edit the clips together, cutting and and when I was happy, I added a song for extra effect. Lastly I rendered it all together to make sure I could export it onto Youtube successfully.

Overall, our short clip meets all of the set brief, it shows various different skills including match on action, shot reverse shot and many camera shots, movements and angles. Some of the things stated on the plan changed to make the film more continuous, this made the clip easier to edit and created a more realistic overall clip. I believe a strong point in the clip is the match on action when the character is walking towards the door and the camera shot changes into a close up shot of the door handle, the continuity is quite strong as it shows a vast amount of match on action. A weakness is the camera movements not being as accurate as they could be, however this couldn't be helped due to the camera equipment we were required to use to film the clip. We could develop the location of the clip to make the film more interesting, this would also keep the audience watching more entertained. We could also develop the filming quality to make sure our main task is more successful!  

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Learning To Edit With Adobe Premier Pro

  • I have learned how to create a new project on Premier Pro
  • I have learned how to import clips and audio in the Premier Pro and not to move the files after adding them to it
  • I have learned how to navigate through video by using the left and right keypad and by scrubbing
  • I have learned how to move a clip into my timeline, with or without it's audio
  • I have learned how to trim with the razor tool for precise cuts between shots
  • I have learned how to play the video in full screen to see any errors clearly, or for video viewing purposes
  • I have learned how to add video transitions and effects to my project
  • I have learned how to decrease the volume (decibels) on a video
  • I have learned how render a video so it is ready for exporting
  • I have learned how to export my project to my desktop