Wednesday 16 March 2016

Production: Raw Footage

This is some raw footage of our opening to our horror film. It shows that we have implemented some key media/filming techniques like 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and high/low angle shots. We can edit this raw footage to add a lot more continuity to make it seem like a real opening to a movie. In this footage we have tried to make sure it is already quite continuous so that it has match on action for when each clip changes. What we have made sure also well is that we have filmed it all as quick as we can so that the time of day doesn't effect the continuity within the opening. this will then make the continuity a low standard as if we were to switch from light to dark to light, it would look out of place and will not flow as planed.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Construction: Evidence Of Filming Taking Place

This is the evidence that we have taken from the filming of our horror opening. It shows that we have all got involved with the filming process and help each other by adding constructive and relative ideas to the filming. It shows that we have used the location that we originally planned and have used the camera we were given. It also shows how we have used the trip-pod to get steady and effective shots to get the best out of our filming. The reason why there is not complete continuity throughout the pictures regarding jamie's clothes is because we had to re-film some clips as one of our initial actors unfortunately broke his leg within the time we were filming.                                                       

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Planning: Filming Schedule

This is the filming schedule for our teen horror film called 'The Campout'. The main purpose behind a  filming schedule is to make sure that when it comes to filming we are able to make sure that we get the certain shots filmed that we planned for that day of filming also to get certain shots done in a certain order because of their importance within the film. The filming schedule is vital as it ensures that the whole of the group that is filming as well as the actors know what is happening and when it will happen on that day of filming.